Playful Energizer Bunny participated in the Bonanza Kennel Club show in Carson City, Nv. It was so nice he was out with his new owner Margaret Mayes who also showed his mother Belladonna Sparkling Morning Glory. Margaret is looking forward to showing "Little Man" in future shows. This is an older photo from June 2013 so we are hoping to get some updates when he gets points ! :) His sire is AKC Champion Zelicaons Man in Black. Little Man got a 3rd place on Saturday.

Playful Everybody Wants Me also participated in the Bonanza Kennel Club Show in Carson City Nevada. Her parents are AKC Champion Zelicoans Man In Black and Belladonna's Sparkling Morning Glory. Pippa is her call name. She is going to my daughter Tamara as a pet but may do some showing with her. From what we understand Bonnie Primus showed her wonderfully and Pippa sure did a great job for a little cutie.. she got 2nd and 3rd place that weekend.